NaTHNaC YF ICVP v2 Online Forms Current User: Not Logged In
Travel vaccine certificate and COVID-19 entry requirements
SECTION 1: Enquirer Details
*First Name
Yellow Fever Centre?
*YFVC Number
*UK Postcode
Are you?
A health professional
A member of the public
Working in the travel industry
*I confirm that this query is related to ICVP and other vaccine
certification or country entry requirements related to COVID-19
This is a query about:
Replacement of a yellow fever (YF) vaccine certificate (the YF International
Certificate of Vaccination or Prophylaxis ICVP) but still have the original
Replacement of a yellow fever certificate vaccine certificate (YF ICVP)
due to the loss of the original certificate
Reporting a poorly completed yellow fever vaccine certificate (YF ICVP)**
Validitiy of the yellow fever certificate (YF ICVP)**
Reporting of unusual or inappropriate challenge for paperwork (ICVP or Medical Letter
of Exemption) at eg. port of entry, travel agent, cruise company**
Polio vaccine certificate requirement
Hajj / Umrah vaccine certificate requirement
Other Travel vaccine certificate requirement
Country entry requirements related to COVID-19
**Note: please ensure you can provide via, supporting information e.g. copy of relevant communications, copy of YF ICVP if making this type of report.